The project consists of reconstructing the existing system interchange at I-26 and I-95. It will include full reconstruction of the current ramps and acceleration and deceleration lane tie-ins with the mainline of both I-26 and I-95. This will also include the replacement of the bridge on S-38-1302 (Whetsell Pond Rd.) over I-26.
Request for Proposal
- Notice of Award (Posted 11/30/23)
- Bid Summary Report (Posted 11/1/23)
- Request For Proposals - Addendum 6 (Posted 10/11/23)
- Notice to Proposers - Addendum 6 (Posted 10/11/23)
- Request For Proposals - Addendum 5 (Posted 09/01/23)
- Notice to Proposers - Addendum 5 (Posted 09/01/23)
- Request For Proposals - Addendum 4 (Posted 08/07/23)
- Notice to Proposers - Addendum 4 (Posted 08/07/23)
- Request For Proposals - Addendum 3 (Posted 08/01/23)
- Notice to Proposers - Addendum 3 (Posted 08/01/23)
- Request For Proposals - Addendum 2 (Posted 06/30/23)
- Notice to Proposers - Addendum 2 (Posted 06/30/23)
- R4 Non-Confidential Questions and Responses (Posted 08/30/23)
- Request for Proposals - Addendum 1 (Posted 06/09/23)
- Notice to Proposers - Addendum 1 (Posted 06/09/23)
- Request for Proposals (Final without Revisions Highlighted) (Posted 05/04/23)
- Request for Proposals (Final with Revisions Highlighted) (Posted 05/04/23)
- Request for Proposals for Industry Review (Posted 3/15/23)
Notice to Potential Proposers
- I-26 at I-95 Interchange Improvement – Early Coordination Meeting (Posted 11/14/22)
- I-26 at I-95 Interchange Improvement – Early Coordination Advertisement (Posted 11/03/22)
Request for Qualifications
- Short Listed Design Build Teams (Posted 3/15/23)
- SOQ Submitters List (Posted 1/31/23)
- Notice to Proposers - Addendum 1 (Posted 1/20/23)
- Request for Qualifications - Addendum 1 (Posted 1/20/23)
- Request for Qualifications Questions and Answers (Posted 1/20/23)
- Request for Qualifications (Posted 12/21/22)
Attachment B - Supplemental Project Design Criteria
- Rigid Barrier Adjacent to Wall (3/15/23)
- Revisions to SCDOT Seismic Design Specifications for Highway Bridges (03/15/23)
- R2_Complex Bridge Peer Review Requirements (05/04/23)
- Design Criteria for Box Culverts and Box Culvert Extensions (03/15/23)
- Roadway Structure Plan Preparation Requirements (03/15/23)
- Design Build Shop Plan Review Process (03/15/23)
- Acceptable Polymer Slurry Systems (03/15/23)
- Interior Bent Cap Overhang Details (05/04/23)
- Minimum SOV Values (03/15/23)
- Environmental Compliance Plan Template-August 1, 2022 (03/15/23)
- NPCE for I-26 at I-95 Interstate Improvement (05/04/23)
- 2023-04-10 26,95 JD lines revised (08/01/23)
- Wetland_JD_Figures_I-26_I-95 (08/01/23)
- SAC-2022-01729_I-26 at I-95 _PJD (08/01/23)
- Toe-Ditch-Detail (03/15/23)
- SWPPP-Checklist (03/15/23)
- Video_PipeInspectionReport(26&95) (06/30/23)
- Pipe videos for RFP (05/04/23)
- SUE Information for RFP (05/04/23)
- Fence_Locations (03/15/23)
- Cable Barrier at Median Rigid Barrier (06/30/23)
- Interstate 95 Pavement Rehabilitation Typical (09/01/23)
- I-26 at I-95 Survey (12/21/22)
- R1_Additional I-26 at I-95 Survey (04/13/23)
- Culvert_Invert_Elevations (04/13/23)
Hazardous Materials
- Asbestos and Lead-Based Paint Reports (04/13/23)
- Geotechnical Subsurface Data Report (04/20/23)
- Field Testing Data Files (04/20/23)
- Conceptual Signing Plan Layouts (05/04/23)
- Existing Guide Sign Layouts (05/04/23)
- Synchro 11 Defaults (05/04/23)
- I-26 at I-95 ITS Fiber Sever Locations (05/04/23)
- Construction Access Design Criteria (06/09/23)
- Median Ingress (06/09/23)
- Median Egress (06/09/23)
- Final I-26 at I-95 IMR (06/30/23)
- Final I-26 at I-95 IMR Appendices (06/30/23)
- Concrete Patch Drawings (06/30/23)
- Temporary Pavement Design Guideline (06/30/23)
Project Information Package
- SI&A (12/21/22)
- Conceptual Bridge Plans (12/21/22)
- Bridge dgn files (12/21/22)
- Complete List of SOV Items (03/15/23)
- SCDHEC Permitting Time Chart (03/15/23)
- R1_I-26 at I-95 Interchange Hydrology Report (05/04/23)
- Conceptual Roadway Design (03/15/23)
- Conceptual Roadway Microstation Files (03/15/23)
- Conceptual Roadway Typical Sections (03/15/23)
- Conceptual Roadway Cross Sections & GPK (03/31/23)
- I-26 Rehab Plans_P029938 (04/13/23)
- Future 16' Outside Shoulder Graphic (06/30/23)
- I-95 Rehab Plans South of Interchange (09/01/23)
- I-95 Rehab Plans North of Interchange (09/01/23)
- Traffic Data (12/21/22)
I-26 at I-95 ITS Fiber Sever Locations(03/15/23)Draft I-26 at I-95 IMR(03/23/23)Draft I-26 at I-95 IMR Appendices(03/23/23)- HCS files (03/31/23)
- TransModeler files (03/31/23)
- 20230504 Updated Transmodeler files (05/04/23)
- Signing DGN Files (06/09/23)
- Draft Environmental Studies Package (12/21/22)
- Project Study Area & Wetlands (04/13/23)
2023-04-10 26,95 JD lines revised(05/04/23)
- Utility Information for RFP (3/15/23)
- Geotechnical Baseline Report (04/20/23)
- Existing I-95 Shoulder Underdrain Detail (06/30/23)
Procurement Documents
- SOQ Evaluation (02/01/24)
- Technical Proposal Evaluation (02/01/24)
Statement of Qualification Distribution Meeting
I-26 at I-95 Interchange Improvement Design-Build Project Statement of Qualification Distribution Meeting will be held on January 31, 2023 at 3:00 pm via Microsoft Teams.
The following is the Team's login information:
Meeting ID: 245 622 092 955 Password: Skz2bh Click here to join the meeting
Or call in (audio only) +1 803-529-1369,,614910092# #US Toll Phone Conference ID: 614 910 092#
The Meeting Agenda is below.
Statement of Qualification Evaluation Meeting
An I-26 at I-95 Interchange Improvements Design-Build Project Statement of Qualification Evaluation Meeting will be held March 1-3, 2023 at 8:30 am via Microsoft Teams.
The following is the Microsoft Teams Meeting login information:
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device.
Meeting ID: 293 990 519 619 Password: UMNyiw Click here to join the meeting
Or call in (audio only) +1 803-529-1369,,404174248# United States, Columbia Phone Conference ID: 404 174 248#
The Meeting Agenda is below.
Technical Proposals Distribution Meeting
An I-26 at I-95 Interchange Improvements Technical Proposal Distribution Meeting will be held on September 13, 2023 at 2:00 pm via Microsoft Teams.
The following is the Microsoft Teams Meeting login information:
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device.
Meeting ID:294 109 428 815 Password: F67Hdf Click here to join the meeting
Or call in (audio only) +1 803-529-1369,,746377510# United States, Columbia Phone Conference ID: 746 377 510#
The Meeting Agenda is below.
I-26 at I-95 Interchange Improvements TP Distribution Meeting Agenda
Technical Proposals Evaluation Meeting
An I-26 at I-95 Interchange Improvements Technical Proposal Evaluation Meeting will be held on October 10, 2023 at 8:30 am via Microsoft Teams.
The following is the Microsoft Teams Meeting login information:
Microsoft Teams Meeting
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device.
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 284 173 997 139 Password: 9rgJvHDownload Teams | Join on the Web
Or call in (audio only) +1 803-529-1369,,560362945# United States, Columbia Phone Conference ID: 560 362 945#
Find a local number | Reset PIN
The Meeting Agenda is below.
I-26 at I-95 Interchange Improvements Technical Proposal Evaluation Meeting Agenda