Your Complete Resource for South Carolina's Transportation System

Hurricane Helene

Hurricane Helene

Visit our Storm Resources page to get up to date information related to travel during hurricane Helene.

New Gas Tax Funds

New Gas Tax Funds

See how the money is being used to fund $3 Billion in road and bridge work across the state.

2024 State of SCDOT Presentation

2024 State of SCDOT Presentation

Learn about SCDOT's ongoing transportation network improvements and long-term plans for Moving South Carolina Forward.

2024-2025 Pavement Improvement Program

2024-2025 Pavement Improvement Program

The South Carolina Department of Transportation Commission approved the Agency's 2025 Pavement Improvement Program by adding another $719 million to the previously invested $3.6 billion in pavement improvements across the state of South Carolina since the Strategic 10-Year plan was implemented.