Office of Planning
Transportation planning supports the economic vitality of the state by increasing available options and enhancing the integration and connectivity of the transportation system across and between modes for people and freight.

How We Pick Projects
Projects are selected using a needs based data driven process that utilizes quantifiable and objective criteria unique to program categories approved by the SCDOT Commission.
Project Prioritization Process Project Ranking ListsSTIP - Statewide Transportation Improvement Program
The South Carolina comprehensive Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) is the State's six-year transportation improvement program for all projects or program areas receiving state or federal funding, including bridge replacements, congestion mitigation and air quality, interstate maintenance and upgrades, roadway resurfacing, safety, primary and secondary road system upgrades, transportation alternatives, and federal lands projects. The STIP covers all improvements for which funding has been approved and are expected to be undertaken during the upcoming six-year period. The document is scheduled for updating every three years and is revised on a continual basis to reflect the latest program and project information. The South Carolina Department of Transportation Commission, as well as the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transportation Administration (FTA) approve the STIP.
Statewide Transportation Improvement Program >

Public Comment
Documents related to upcoming projects will be put out for a 21-day comment period.
Comment on Press Releases
A Public Participation Plan has been created to comply with the newest federal requirements for public
participation in transportation planning.
Public Participation Plan

Asset and Performance Management
Transportation Asset Management (TAM) is a strategic and systematic process of operating, maintaining, upgrading, and expanding physical assets effectively throughout their lifecycle.
Asset and Performance Management >
Multimodal Transportation Plan
2040 Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan (MTP) - The MTP is updated every 5 years to reflect the latest information on travel and growth trends, goals and objectives, infrastructure conditions, future deficiencies, and estimated funding.
The Executive Summary includes the vision, goals, objectives, and measures for the overall MTP, as well as analysis of transportation system needs and funding