Get Noticed by the Loop Detector

If you are riding a motorcycle and can identify the loop by the cuts in the pavement, stop near the loop cuts. Remember, the weakest area of detection for a traditional rectangular loop detector is the center area.

Don't stop in the middle of the loop.

Stop your vehicle at the stop bar. Do not pull past the stop bar or into the crosswalk as shown above. Remember, the loop detector is in the pavement behind the stop bar.
If you are riding a motorcycle and cannot identify the loop, stop just to the right or left of the center of the lane immediately behind the stop bar.
A final tip involves planning your trips. During peak traffic hours on many of South Carolina's most heavily traveled roadways, actuated traffic signals maintain longer than normal green times on the road with the most traffic. When this is the case, motorists on side streets, where loop detectors are installed, may experience longer waits before their light turns green. In these instances, traffic engineers have programmed traffic signals to clear the major roadway of traffic during peak hours. Once this is accomplished, actuated traffic signals return to normal operation. Being aware of this procedure can improve travel times by avoiding delays on side streets during peak hours.