Scenic Highways Committee Meeting on August 10th.
Created by Act 484, 1994, and amended by Act 285, 1996, to develop criteria for the designation of a Scenic Highway. (11 members: Secretary of the Department of Transportation or his designee; Director of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism, or his designee; 2 representatives of the outdoor advertising industry, who are active members of an organization such as the Outdoor Advertising Association of South Carolina; a representative of the South Carolina hotel and motel industry; a representative of the agricultural industry who is active in an organization such as the State Farm Bureau; a representative of the petroleum marketing industry; a representative of the tourism industry in South Carolina; a representative of the highway beautification efforts such as South Carolina Clean and Beautiful; a representative involved with parks and recreation, such as the South Carolina Recreation and Parks Association; and, a member of the general public. All members shall serve for a term of 2 years and all appointments must be made by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate.)
Members of the Committee continue to serve until replaced by the Governor based on the two-year appointment cycle. The committee reviews applications for scenic byway designations and makes recommendations to the General Assembly based on those reviews. The State Scenic Byways Coordinator makes biennial reviews of all state and national scenic byways and reports his findings to the committee. The Department of Transportation is responsible for ensuring that off-premise outdoor advertising signs and junkyards are not permitted on state scenic byways. Any other legal protections against scenic impediments are the responsibility of local government.

Hal W. Stevenson
ChairmanColumbia, SC 29211

Douglas "Doug" McFarland
(Outdoor Advertising)North Charleston, SC 29405

Bob Barenberg
(Hotel and Motel Industry)Myrtle Beach, SC 29579

Amy Blinson
(SCDOT Designee)State Scenic Byways Coordinator
Columbia, SC 29202

Amy Duffy
SC Department of Parks, Recreation and TourismColumbia, SC 29201

Dr. David Cárdenas
(Tourism Industry)Columbia, SC 29201

Van Kornegay
Columbia, SC