Bridge replacement project planned in Fairfield County
Columbia, S.C. (March 1, 2024) - The South Carolina Department of Transportation requests input from the traveling public on the following proposed transportation projects. SCDOT encourages members of the public to review project websites and p+rovide questions, comments, or information about local historic or cultural resources.
All comments received during a project comment period will be reviewed and included in the project record. Individuals who provide comments will receive responses upon request.
Individuals in need of special accommodations may call 803-737-1271 or send an email to to request assistance. Individuals without access to the internet who would like to receive project information, or submit a comment, should contact the respective SCDOT Project Manager listed below.
Individuals who need to speak with an interpreter should contact SCDOT at 803-724-5862 or 888-468-8081. Para hablar con un intérprete, comuníquese con SCDOT al 803-724-5862 o al número gratuito 888-468-8081.
Bridge Replacement Project at SC 200 over Minton Creek
Comment period: March 1 to 31, 2024
How to submit comments:
Mail: Tyler Davis, Project Manager, 955 Park Street, P.O. Box 191, Columbia, SC 29201
Phone: 803-737-1854