SCDOT Announces Next Phases of the Carolina Crossroads Project

​Community Open House scheduled for Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Columbia, S.C. (February 26, 2024) - SCDOT officials announced the next phases of construction on the Carolina Crossroads project.

SCDOT announced in October of 2023 that the project would be restructured to improve project delivery and accelerate the widening of I-20 in the Midlands. The next phases of construction have been scheduled to advance the interstate widening projects on I-20 and the improvements to the I-126 and I-26 interchange while utility coordination and project development continues in the main interchange area.

Drivers in the area can expect to see clearing work continue throughout the project corridor. This includes building demolitions and other clearing of the right of way. This work will allow SCDOT to expedite the utility work needed to begin work on the system to system interchange.

The construction on I-20 west of Bush River Road to widen the interstate has been accelerated and is anticipated to begin construction in 2025. Concurrent with that project, an additional phase of construction work on the interchange of I-126 and I-26 is expected to go to construction in 2026. Both of these phases of work have been accelerated and advanced to tie in with other widening and interchange improvement projects completing soon.

Secretary of Transportation Christy A. Hall, P.E. said, “Carolina Crossroads is one of the largest infrastructure projects in our state’s history and we recognize the critical nature of this project not just for the Midlands, but for our state as a whole. Our commitment to this important project has not wavered and I feel confident that this new project structure is going to give us a better project at the end of the day.”

SCDOT will host an open house meeting for members of the community on Tuesday, April 9, 2024 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Dutch Square Center located at 421 Bush River Road. Members from the project team will be on hand to answer questions.

Community members are encouraged to stay tuned to the website at Carolina Crossroads for updates.