SCDOT to hold public involvement meeting in Spartanburg County

SCDOT will hold a public involvement meeting on Tuesday, February 6, 2024 regarding proposed intersection improvements at Reidville Road (S-296) and Anderson Mill Road (S-64) in Spartanburg County.

The meeting will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. on Tuesday, February 6, 2024. The meeting will take place at West View Elementary School located at 400 Oak Grove Road in Spartanburg. SCDOT representatives will be available at the meeting to discuss the proposed project with members of the community.

The South Carolina Department of Transportation proposes to improve the safety and efficiency of this intersection. The proposed project involves the construction of a new roadway, connecting Reidville Road and Oak Grove Road. The new roadway will convert a private commercial drive to a public roadway. The intersection of the new road with both Reidville Road and Oak Grove Road will be signalized with two new signals and pedestrian facilities. The main intersection at Reidville Road and Anderson Mill Road will be reconfigured to remove all left turns, and all vehicles will need to utilize the new road to complete their movement. Visit the project website for additional information.

For more information about this and other proposed SCDOT projects, please visit our public involvement meeting webpage.