SCDOT Requests Public Comment on the 2021-2027 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program to Include Bridge Replacement Projects in Fairfield and Marion Counties

The South Carolina Department of Transportation seeks public comment on the action to amend the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program to include the preliminary engineering, right of way, and construction phases of work for two bridge replacement projects in Fairfield and Marion counties. SCDOT will receive public comment for a 21-day period from July 18, 2024 through August 8, 2024.

The proposed project in Fairfield County is to replace the S-30 East Peach Road bridge over Little Cedar Creek. The project cost is $2,616,000. The proposed project in Marion County is to replace the S-29 (Hoyt Rogers Road) bridge over Maiden Down Swamp. The Project cost is $4,825,000.The purpose of these two bridge replacement projects is to address structural deficiencies to meet current standards. Both bridges are currently closed.

More information is available on our website.

To assist those who do not have internet access, a printed copy of this press release and any supporting information is available for public review and comment at any of the South Carolina Department of Transportation District Offices and the South Carolina Council of Government Offices.

SCDOT certifies that the two bridges are closed and consistent with Commission policy, automatically advanced and ranked as high priority projects.

Aerial photograph of project area for Hoyt Rogers Road Bridge Replacement in Marion County
Aerial photo of East Peach Road Bridge Replacement Project in Fairfield County