Columbia, S.C. (June 15, 2023) – Motorists exiting from I-26 Eastbound onto U.S. 378 will use a newly constructed exit ramp starting next week. Weather permitting, the new, two-lane exit ramp will open on Monday, June 19 at 5 a.m.
Message boards will be installed ahead of the opening, notifying motorists of the new ramp configuration. Motorists should watch for new exit signs and drive with caution.
The new ramp will provide an additional lane for traffic, and is approximately 2,500 feet longer than the existing ramp, allowing a longer distance for exiting vehicles to reduce their speed.
The new ramp is part of the Carolina Crossroads Phase 1 project in Richland and Lexington Counties. The project includes improvements to the exit ramp to US 378 from I-26 eastbound and associated interstate widening in Lexington County and a full access interchange at Colonial Life Boulevard at I-126 in Richland County.
Visit the Carolina Crossroads project webpage
for other project information and updates. The public may also contact the Project Hotline at 800-601-8715.