S-985 (Lakeshore Drive) Bridge Replacement Over Unnamed Creek in Richland County Public Information Meeting


The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) has scheduled a Public Information Meeting. This meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 24, 2023, from 5PM-7 PM in the Bethel United Methodist Church, located at 4600 Daniel Drive, SC 29206.

This meeting is to inform the public about the following: Proposal to replace the existing structurally deficient bridge along S-985 (Lakeshore Drive) over Unnamed Creek in Richland County. The meeting will be a drop-in format and have displays for viewing. Citizens will also have the opportunity to provide written comments. Project information, including meeting materials and comment forms will also be available on the SCDOT ’s project website located at https://scdotgis.online/LakeshoreDrive (Link is not Explorercompatible).


Over the ne xt ten (10) years and beyond, SCDOT’s task is to repair and rebuild our transportation network to ensure that our citizens and businesses can travel on a safe and reliable system. The purpose of this meeting is to provide the public with an opportunity to review and comment on the proposed bridge replacement, and solicit feedback from residents and stakeholders. Another purpose of this meeting is to gather information from the public or any interested organization on historic or cultural resources in the area. Personnel from SCDOT will be available to answer questions, receive feedback, and discuss the study with interested citizens on an individual basis.


Comments will be accepted through February 8, 2023. All formal comments received during the comment period will be considered and responded to, if requested, and will be included in the project record.

Participants can provide written comments in the following ways:
Submit comments online at the project website: https://scdotgis.online/LakeshoreDrive

(Link is not Explorer compatible)

Mail comments to Tony Edwards, PE, Project Manager at 955 Park Street, RM 418, Columbia, SC 29201

Email your comments to EdwardsTC@scdot.org
Fill out a comment form and drop it in the comment box during the in-person meeting.


Persons with disabilities who may require special accommodations should contact Ms. Betty Gray at 803-737-1395 or by email at GrayB@scdot.org.

If you do not have access to the Internet and would like to receive project information or make a written comment contact Tony Edwards at 803-737-1238 or by email at EdwardsTC@scdot.org with your requests.