Outdoor Advertising Permits
Any sign structure or combination of structure and message in the form of outdoor sign, display, device, figure, painting, drawing, message, plaque, poster, billboard, advertising structure, advertisement, logo, symbol or other form which is visible from the main-traveled way requires a permit.
SCDOT is pleased to announce the launch of its new Outdoor Advertising Control System!
SCDOT's New Outdoor Advertising Control System for managing the life cycle of outdoor advertising signs and permits is web-based and customer-friendly. The New system is expected to provide customers the benefits of improved outdoor advertising permitting workflow management, more avenues for retrieving permit data for the sign owners as well as SCDOT staff, and greater transparency by allowing access to sign/permit information such as account status, invoicing, report generation, access to historical data, and a link to SCDOT's electronic payment processing system for processing fees by credit card on a secured website.
From Tuesday, January 1, 2019 onward you will be taken to the New Outdoor Advertising Control System when you click on the button below to login to the existing customer portal.
Before using the New system please review the user reference guide link which is available on the top right hand corner of the screen labeled with a question mark as shown below.

Existing Permit Holders
If you are an existing permit holder and know your owner ID number or are a user of the current customer portal please note that all your permit information has been moved over to the New system. If you are having problems during the login please send an email for login assistance. Please include your owner ID number, name and contact information in the email. An SCDOT ODA staff member will reply to your email or contact you within 1 business day.
Alternatively, you can call the DOT Headquarters ODA office at (803) 737-1339.
NOT an Existing Permit Holder
If you are NOT an existing permit holder and don't have an SCDOT issued owner ID number and wish to apply for an outdoor advertising permit, please click on the customer portal link below and complete the new owner registration request form to obtain an account. Please send email or call the DOT Headquarters ODA office at (803) 737-1339 if you have any questions on the registration process.
To apply for a new permit you can visit our Outdoor Advertising Portal
- Review Guidelines
- Contact Your Coordinator
- Obtain Permission from Landowner
- Obtain Approval from Local Authorities
- Apply!
- Decision to Approve

Permit Required
Any sign structure or combination of structure and message in the form of outdoor sign, display, device, figure, painting, drawing, message, plaque, poster, billboard, advertising structure, advertisement, logo, symbol or other form which is designed, intended or used to advertise or inform, any part of the message or informative contents of which is visible from the main-traveled way.
- No larger than 672 sq. ft.
- No higher than 48 ft.
- No longer than 60ft.
- Placement in area that is zoned for commercial or industrial use. If unzoned, placed in area with commercial and industrial activities.
- If sign is along an interstate it must be at least 500 ft. from any sign, interchange or rest area.
- If sign is along a primary highway in a rural area it must be at least 300 ft. from any sign.
- Sign must have a permit plate attached to it.
No Permit Required
- Official traffic control signs, markers, or information panels erected or approved by SCDOT.
- Real estate signs (for sale or lease) located on the property they advertise.
- "On Premise" signs (that is, signs located on the premise of the business they advertise). These may still be subject to local regulations.

Coordinator List
Please contact the Regional Outdoor Advertising Coordinators for specific questions regarding your area.
Headquarters DOT Office (Columbia) (803) 737-1339 or through our contact form.
Carolyn B. Lindsay
Midlands Region (Columbia) - (803) 737-1130
(Cherokee, York, Chester, Lancaster, Chesterfield, Kershaw, Aiken, Lexington, Richland, Lee, Union, Fairfield, and Sumter)
Tammy Williamson
Pee Dee Region (Florence) - (839) 213-2112
(Marlboro, Darlington, Dillon, Florence, Marion, Horry, Williamsburg, and Georgetown)
Joyce Gardner
Piedmont Region (Greenville) - (864) 420-4487
(Oconee, Pickens, Greenville, Spartanburg, Anderson, Laurens, Abbeville, McCormick, Newberry, Greenwood, Edgefield, and Saluda)
Nikki Amaker
Low Country Region (Orangeburg) - (803) 682-2147
(Barnwell, Orangeburg, Calhoun, Clarendon, Allendale, Bamberg, Hampton, Colleton, Dorchester, Berkeley, Jasper, Beaufort, and Charleston)
Related Documents
Outdoor Advertising Regulations - (Title 63-341 through Title 63-356 pertain to Outdoor Advertising) (Title 63-358 pertains to Junkyards)
Federal Agreement
SCDOT Vegetation Management Guidelines
Outdoor Advertising Law
Junkyard Laws
Junkyard Regulations